Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Human beings are the most....

pathetic species on the planet.


The only thing that separates us from the animals is our brain.
So why does that make us pathetic?

A little story first.

I was just outside, having a glass of wine and a cigarette, looking the the rain falling into our pool. (Sorry I don't have a picture - my camera is crap at night-time)

I saw a frog swimming around in our pool.

I thought, "what a great life you have - no societal worries on your back (or on your mind)"

As long as that frog has breath, it'll just do what it needs to do to survive.

Think about that for a moment.

Imagine this:

Don't go to sleep in your bed tonight.
Try and sleep outside (regardless of weather) or even, in the closest hallway or corridor near your bedroom. That's right - no mattress, no blankets, no covering whatsoever.

At the very minimum, I can guarantee that you'll want to keep your socks on (let alone a t-shirt and/or shorts) - trust me - been there done that.....:)

I wonder how long you'll last before you have to come inside into the warmth of your home, or your bedroom, let alone your nice soft warm bed.

Ok, now its a new day. Go out into the sunshine all day - forget the sunscreen, the hat, the long sleeves.

Now go to bed outside in the elements - with only socks, shorts and t-shirt (or as you did the night before)

Wake up in the morning - go out with no sunscreen, hat or long sleeves.

Do this cycle for a week.

Are you beginning to get a picture here?

We humans are completely reliant on our brains to get us through - we cannot survive the way we're made, nor the way our skin is, nor any natural way that you can think of.

If we are left to the elements without protection, we die.

We die.

Its as simple as that.

Yet a little frog in my swimming pool will be there tomorrow morning, just like the birds who sing in the trees, just like the Christmas beetle that flew past me this afternoon.

Their lives may be a lot shorter than mine, but at least they live their lives in the best way they can - to survive and to adapt to their surroundings so that they do survive.

I thought that was pretty special.

Can you survive this current global financial turmoil?
Can you adapt to the challenges that face you?

How?, you ask?

Use your brain, I say!

Your brain is the most specialised instrument you have - don't waste it!
Educate yourself - start today!

You can do it! YOU CAN!

Get out from in front of the TV.
Go for a walk around your local suburb.
Look around you.
Opportunities abound!

They absolutely do - you only need to remove the blinkers on your eyes, and see the world in all its splendour to realise that you absolutely can make a difference - not only to your own life, but to everyone around you.

And your brain is the thing that will bring you abundance.

That small grayish lumpy thing that sits inside your skull is the absolute key to all your dreams. Nurture it, feed it, do anything you can for it to grow and show you a whole new way of living.

You have the capability - you do.

Now, get out there and make the most of each and every day - because you have the most powerful weapon ever bestowed on a human being: the human brain.

You can waste and destroy it, or you can treasure and grow it.

The choice is yours, and yours alone.

So are you willing to move from pathetic to outstanding?

I am.

Come and join the journey - I would love to have you by my side.


Anonymous said...

We humans have another thing: shared knowledge. Too many of us just suck the benefits of the shared knowledge of those who went before them, without even realizing. Your warm house has a furnace, somebody invented that, plus the construction methods and insulation. Somebody figured out how to make glass windows for light.... bla bla bla.... and now all this is available for a price so that people don't HAVE to use their brains. They can live their lumpish TV consuming lives from birth to death, get a job doing some mind numbing thing and never once crack open the shrink wrap on their awesome brain.

Brad said...

Thanks tixrus


"...and never once crack open the shrink wrap on their awesome brain."
