Monday, November 10, 2008

Have you seen....

it all before?

"While it’s likely that some people in your audience have seen almost everything, it’s also quite likely that there’s nothing (nothing!) that everyone in your audience has seen. There are going to be people who don’t get this reference or that reference. There are certainly going to be people who, given the needle in a haystack culture we live in now, just haven’t seen the particular idea you’re riffing on."

Seth Godin -

And for me, this is the best part.

You now have an opportunity to tell your tribe about new stuff, stuff they haven't heard (or even dreamed of!) or stuff they thought was "so far out there".

Nothing is so far out there.

Form a tribe.
Be the voice of that tribe.
(People want to be led.)
Lead them!

Can you get a tribe together?

Barack did it.

So can you!

Don't wait - start now!

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