Saturday, October 25, 2008

If you're going to do anything at all, the only word you need is....


I've been a big fan of Seth Godin for ages, after reading his "The IdeaVirus", published in Fast Company magazine so long ago that I don't remember. I'm sure I still have the issue somewhere, oh yes, here it is: August 2000

On Josh Spear's blog,, he talks with Seth about life, the universe and everything (well, almost)

One question and answer got me going:

JS: So, if you had a child, and he was about to embark on his/her first adventure in the digital frontier, what would your parting words be?

SG: Start.

I so wish I had given this advice to my kids when they were starting out.
Don't think too much, don't plan too much, (and as much as I hate paraphrasing another company) just do it.

So here's a new tag-line.

Just Start!

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