Saturday, December 11, 2004

Totally - Thoughts behind it

Totally was born out of small business owners' frustration at having to deal with:

1. expensive software
2. having to buy a copy for every workstation
3. fees for every upgrade
4. a fee for phone support
5. software that only knows about itself

and a whole raft of others.

These points, predominantly, drove the development of Totally. Our mission was to find a way to provide a viable alternative to all the other standalone software programs out there, and sell it for a reasonable price. We think we've achieved that.

Ourt biggest contribution to the bottom line of small businesses is the initial purchase price (free of the "you must buy a copy for every workstation" syndrome) and the optional monthly fee.

We can't afford to just give it away. It is a business management type software, so to leave out some features for the free version would be silly. Small businesses have enough to contend with, without having to "work around" problems that arise simply because the feature is not present or disabled in free versions.

Have a look at Totally's home page for more details.

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