Friday, August 22, 2008

Bradzo has an epiphany...

I received an email today from some mailing list thing I subscribe to, and it told about signing up for an "exclusive, secret" interview with Tony Robbins.

In part, it said "Here is your rare opportunity to join Tony as he shares some of his most intimate and affecting life moments. But more importantly, he outlines the peak state achievable by all of us, the state of mind that can be triggered at will to generate the energy and momentum to achieve an extraordinary quality of life."

I really thought about this when I read it - and I realised that I'm always at that state of mind - its just that I don't take action!

So I thought I'd share my epiphany with you (and thanks Alex, I remembered your post immediately) - and its this:

No matter what we do in life, we can always achieve something special if we just get out there and DO IT

Life's short, right? You're a long time dead, right? What are people going to say about you in one hundred years time? Think about all the people that we still talk about today - Shakespeare, Mozart, etc.

They got out there, did what they LOVED, took the criticisms levelled at them, yet still, here we are, a hundred years later, and we still talk of them (and in the case of the above) still listen to their music, and read their books.

What does that say about finding mindset to just get out there and DO IT?

To paraphrase another well known personality, "I think there's something in that for all of us....." :)

One thing - if you haven't already, go and check out Oza's blog -

Oza and Mudd always make me smile, and I can read the passion that just shines through - if we can all find this, imagine what a wonderful world we could be living in!

Say it once - say it again - who needs Tony Robbins!?!?!?!

I'd love to hear your comments.

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