Wednesday, July 28, 2004

"Totally" is moving along well

Totally, the software portion of the Total small business service, is moving along quite nicely thank you.

Its great. I added a few silly little things that won't be much on the larger scale of things, but it makes the whole product look that much better.

1. Animated banner ads in the top right hand corner, just like Opera. Thanks to Stephen Lebans for his OCX to do animated gifs.
2. Easy ASP page invoking a COM DLL to accept data sent to it by a class provided by Eduard Morcillo (Edanmo) and allowing me to store registration details in my customer database without having to install Internet Explorer just to send a form, like other apps do.

But I'm having a lot of fun.

Now, just have to build it and you'll be able to download it soon.

Stay tuned.

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